The kitchen is a laboratory. This is my lab notebook.
How to Roast a Kabocha Squash
Here is a simple, reliable technique for roasting kabocha that requires no oil, seasonings, or complicated techniques.
Kabocha vs. Buttercup
As fall harvest season brings an increasing variety of winter squash, market shelves make room for varieties such as kabocha and buttercup. While confoundingly similar in many ways, the taste can be dramatically different. Can careful attention to detail avoid a surprise at the plate?
Rice Flour for Fried Tofu
Fried foods are great straight out of the oil, but the crispiness usually fades with time. Is rice flour the secret to maintaining the crunch?
Kabocha: discovering a Japanese treasure
Uninspiring and sometimes fibrous butternut was world of squash until a this fall led me to my new favorite vegetable.